Versatility and Ease of Use
Designed for versatility and ease of use, the Sabina II EE provides caregivers with a reliable means of transferring patients quickly and safely. The hydraulic lift reduces the risk of falls by lifting patients from a sitting to a standing position, maintaining patient dignity during transfers. It is ideal for patients who can actively participate in their mobility but need assistance to stand.
Designed for Patient Comfort
Comfort is a priority with the Sabina II EE, which features an assortment of soft accessories tailored for different patient needs. The lift can be adjusted to accommodate various statures, ensuring each patient receives personalized support. For those requiring passive lifting movements, the Sabina II EE provides necessary assistance without compromising safety or comfort.
Efficient and Safe Lifting
The Sabina II EE operates with a tension point near the patient’s center of gravity, facilitating a gentle and controlled lifting motion. This design helps patients achieve an upright, weight-bearing position, promoting active participation in their mobility. With a safe working load of 440 lbs (200 kg), the Sabina II EE is robust enough to support diverse patient needs while maintaining smooth operation.